2025 Celebrating Lunar New Year
2024 Welcoming Christmas and the New Year
For our students, 2024 has been as challenging as any adult would experience at work or home. But they are the ones who close the year by giving a superb performance that embraces love, sweat, and laughter, dedicated to their wonderful friends and parents.
Performance Videos
2024 Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving has deep historical and cultural roots in the early history of the United States. While its significance may not resonate as strongly with citizens from different cultural backgrounds, we want our students to focus on values that transcend cultural and national boundaries. So, we acknowledge Thanksgiving as a celebration of gratitude, a moment to connect with family and friends, and a celebration of harvest and nature through a feast of nature's fruits.
2024 Halloween Inspirations
We believe there are educational aspects of this commercially driven tradition. Dressing up in costumes encourages our students to use their imagination, express themselves, and have fun being whoever or whatever they want to be for a day.
The treats and decorations may come from stores, but we trust that the laughter, shared experiences, excitement, and joy that fill the day will create lasting memories.
After-School Album 🎃
Sept 17, 2024 Celebrating Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
A once-upon-a-time Chinese story has it that a great archer named Hou Yi was rewarded with an elixir of immortality for shooting down 9 of the 10 suns that were scorching the Earth. His wife Chang’e found the hidden elixir while an evil man tried to steal it from her. So, she drank it, saying she was protecting it for Hou Yi. Immediately, Chang’e floated up to the sky and landed on the moon, where she has lived ever since.
Every year during the Mid-Autumn Festival (not even fall yet), people look up at the full moon and remember Chang’e and her pet jade rabbit, sharing mooncakes and stories under the moonlight. 😉 After-School Album
Preschool & Kindergarten
2024 End-of-School-Year Student Performance |
June 7, 2024 |
Our students build confidence and presentation skills by performing in front of an audience. As students work together to put on a show, they learn teamwork, collaboration, and discipline.
We are bringing the school community together with this special event, giving students, parents, and teachers a chance to celebrate their achievements. |
2024 Graduation Ceremony
“Go chase your dreams, you won’t regret it. Anything can happen…if you let it.” – Mary Poppins ☂️
2024 After-School Students Celebrate End-of-School-Year
May 17, 2024
Before the completion of another school year, our after-school students celebrate a new milestone by staging exciting performances. Two colorful handmade posters depict the theme of this special event: “我用童心祝福世界,讓這世界充滿喜悅” which means, “With our purest hearts, we wish the world to be filled with joy.” Wow. These students are our Montessori preschool graduates and proud members of our family. Won’t you join us?
2024 Mother's Day
As we celebrate the beauty of motherhood, we're reminded of the graceful presence of hummingbirds, symbolizing love and tenderness.
Best wishes to all the mothers nurturing our students with unwavering care and devotion, may your journey as mothers be filled with endless love, laughter, and cherished memories. |
Video: made and owned by Trust Montessori; Music: Concert Étude, Op. 38 by Signe Lund 1910, Piano by Rune Alter
Combining the celebrations of Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day can be a fun and educational experience for our students. They can learn about different cultures and traditions while also celebrating love and friendship. This can help them develop a sense of empathy and respect for others. Happy New Year and Valentine's Day! ❤️🎉 |
感謝學生家長 Mrs. Hsieh 贈送吉祥祝福親書對聯
Greetings from our After-school students
元日 - 王安石 詞
(唱) (朗誦) 爆竹聲中一歲除,春風送暖入屠蘇, 千門萬户瞳瞳日,總把新桃换舊符。 换舊符 (朗誦) 正月裡,正月一,姥姥家,看大戲; 接閨女兒,接女婿,小孫女兒,也要去; 見了姥姥先行禮,再問唱的什麽戲; 姥姥聽了笑咪咪,今天唱的是猴戲; 什麽猴,大馬猴;什麽馬,棗紅馬; 什麽棗,大紅棗;什麽紅,燈籠紅; 什麽燈,敲鑼打鼓耍龍燈; 耍起龍燈一陣風,一陣風啊一陣風! |