English and Mandarin Bilingual Immersion Programs
2019 Halloween Fun
Students and parents, and teachers enjoying the Halloween
on-campus treating together on a beautiful cool, crisp day. More photos coming to your classroom albums. And here for the photo collage of the parade. 👉🏻🎃📸 |
2018-19 School Year Memories
Pre-school and Kindergarten
June 7, 2019 End-of-School-Year Student Performance |
2019 Summer Drama Camp
Presents: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory |
👉🏻=> Photos
End-of-School-Year 2019
After-School Program Students Celebrate ♥️
After-School Program Students Celebrate ♥️
Wonderful 2018 - 19 School Year
Preschool - Our teachers play a key role in encouraging and coaching your child to make the best of a comprehensive Montessori preschool curriculum. At this foundation stage, children build problem-solving skills to a variety of tasks and accumulate knowledge at their individual pace.
Afterschool - Our goal is to provide an attentive and individual-centered extended care program that meets the needs of families and schools. Students in our program balance work and fun activities and learn to further their leadership and communication skills.
K & G-1 - Our academically rich curriculum helps students learn mathematics, science, social studies, arts and language in a collaborative classroom setting. To complement classroom learning, we organize field trips and presentation or performance on subjects learned. Student progress is monitored and communicated through parent-teacher conferences.
Summer - Summer program at Trust Montessori is structured by subjects that are interesting and relevant to extend our student's learning. We do not neglect the play and fun elements in a learning experience and our summer program is filled with excitements. Subjects are separately designed for preschool, kindergarten and grade school classes.